360.837.3937 8-5 PT

This item is currently out of stock.  Please contact us at sales@viperpartsrackamerica.com to inquire about your options to order this item or used part options.  We dismantle damaged Dodge Vipers from insurance totals as well as private purchaes from various owners withing the Viper Community.  We also purchase large quantities of take off, production overrun, and various other sources of parts.  As much as we try, we don't always have all of our current inventory in the website.

Thank you for your inquiry.

Viperpartsrackamerica team! 

Refinished Dodge Viper OEM Rear Five Spoke Wheel - 5290868AA

This is a rear OEM Dodge Viper 5-Spoke Wheel (WP6) that came to us straight from the Conner Avenue Assembly Plant.   It arrived in slightly used condition (probably off a pilot car) and we want them to be as close to new condition as possible.  So we send it to one of the best alloy refinishing shops in the country where it is cleaned, measured for radial and lateral run-out, stripped, and inspected for any structural problems.  They repair any scratches, dings, or curb rash present on the wheel to provide a factory-smooth finish all the way around.  Finally, they polish it to a brilliant shine and apply a clear coat finish just as it appears from the factory.

While it isn't brand new and perfect, it will look fantastic inside and out.  This is a GREAT deal on a wheel that is currently out of stock with Mopar.

Mopar Part # 5290868AA (rear)

Ships in approximately two weeks

Price: $770.00


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